6. Teamwork is the secret weapon!

6. Teamwork is the secret weapon!

Inter-professionalism happens in every workplace. Whether it’s McDonald’s, a corporate office, or even The White House. Every job requires you to communicate with coworkers or peers, all working towards a common goal. In my situation at school, inter-professionalism is key to progress in the WHOLE student.

“The Rollins Early Childhood Center is a safe, inclusive, nurturing public school committed to the development of the whole child. We value collaborative relationships with all families and the community. We celebrate diversity, individual growth, and a love of lifelong learning. “


Up above is the mission statement I found upon the school website, cited above but what you don’t see on the school website is how literal the statement is incorporated in classrooms. All over the school, there are posters that say, “TEAM ROLLINS!” and they even have tee-shirts with the message, “Rollins Strong!”. At the end of our weekly staff meetings and in our group emails we emphasize team goals and often offer ways to support each other. A prime example is pick up and drop off. Everyday. These tiny humans get off the bus and it is a literal all hands on deck to bring our friends to the correct classroom. There are about 8-10 kids per 2 adults in one class. If you tell a bunch of 4-year-olds to line up and walk along the sidewalk to the school building you would think they would, right? That was the wrong expectation. I quickly learned they need to hold your hand while walking, with the alternative being they will run or throw themselves on the floor within 2 seconds. So when we are getting these guys off the bus, it is overwhelming, confusing, frustrating, and loud. Very Very loud, but you’re not alone. You have a whole TEAM of people there to help you.

I had the notion of, “your kids your responsibility.” in my head, but these students are everyone’s kids and we all look after them together. After one month at this job, I have met so many other students in a different classroom than my own, and helped other teachers out when I can. At bus pick up we see the nurses outside, lunch ladies, custodians, OTs, PTs, speech therapists all help by grabbing kids’ hands and walking them where they need to go! Kids often wave a shout at teachers other than their own. This creates a welcoming environment not just in the classroom, but school-bound. We have a goal for kids to feel confident in the classroom, working in small groups but also school-wide!

The other end of inter-professionalism that I want to touch upon, is different professionals working together for the overall growth of one student at a time. There is a boy in my class named Dylan, and he is sweet as pumpkin pie! We have noticed he has a very hard time up and down the stairs along with some other balance/coordination challenges. He has been working with PT and OT twice a week to reach new goals. After his session in PT, I asked if there are any strategies I could do with Dylan when I take him up and down the stairs? The PT lit up and took us too the stairs to show me. Dylan will sometimes take the elevator but out goal is to get him off of it. He may take a little longer on the stairs, but it sets him up for success in the long run! The PT explain the balance, and trying to switch feet every other step. Something so second nature to us, is very stressful for him so keep that in mind! That next day, I noticed Dylan was hold his pencil strange, so I did the same thing. After his OT session, I asked how I could support him with hand writing. She brought in some pencil grippers and showed me the 3 fingers they should use to hold a pencil, again something second nature to some people are pretty difficult for others.

In conclusion, Teamwork is the secret sauce to making everything better! Having a team mentality makes you feel like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself. No one should feel alone or lost at work and with an inter-professionalism approach that is impossible. Peers should be encouraged to ask questions and offer support whenever they can! It’s not about being responsible for only yourself, but caring about those around you. If everyone is looking out for each other, no one can get lost in the sauce!

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