standard 10

standard 10


The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

SPE 301 Artifact 


This is a ALSUP guide, it is used to access a students lagging skills when an expectation isn’t being met regularly. A teacher can see a child’s difficulties as attention-seeking, manipulative, coercive, unmotivated, lazy, or limit testing, lagging skills provide more accurate, productive, actionable lenses. this tool is used not only by the teacher, but every adult who has a relationship with this child has a voice in the assessment. This is done as a group, not individually, also is important to note that the first session discussing the ASLUP. We are not reasoning the behavior or sharing theories as to why? It is a simple yes or no, to find the lagging skill not why there is a lagging skills. We are just trying to identify the skill or unsolved problems.

This relates to the standard in plenty of ways but the obvious one is in collaboration. The teacher is forced to reach out and get a grasp of there perspectives of this child in the building. The student could be a different child in music class than he is during math, and this is where those discoveries are made and brought to light. Collaboration in the school building doesn’t always need to be a asking for help formula, but why not a problem solving team coming together for a particular student. We have learned to rely on professionals in the school when it comes to there area of expertise such as social work, OT, PT etc. but I also want to do consistent check ins with my fellow peers.

How is he/she doing in your class? What are some strategies you think are working best for him/her with you? How can we use similar language when redirecting him/her?

All these kinds of questions will be normalized in my classroom management plan and exercised often!
