Standard 9

Standard 9

Standard #9
Reflection and Continuous Growth
The teacher is a reflective practitioner who uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students, families, and other professionals in the learning community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

EDU 204 Assignment

I chose to relate my second project to this standard because it relates to reflection and how my knowledge on the subject of trauma continued to grow.. This project specifically explains how trauma effects the brain and what that means for students as they develop over time. I learned so much about trauma and more importantly that students are not doomed because of previous trauma. There is still a chance for students to grow, learn and be successful in their adult life. The trauma doesn’t necessary hold them back but plays a role in how their brain developed. I used the example of a tree growing around a bench or wall. A tree is very resilient as in whatever is in its way while it is planted, the tree will grow around it much like a student’s brain with trauma. If the trauma isn’t addressed the student will develop around the trauma, and specific parts of the brain will be underdeveloped in the result of trauma being ignored.

This relates to the standard because I proved reflection and continuous growth in relationship to my first project. I reflected not only on my work, but the class itself to understand how future students would be affected. This project has a connection to the previous one but definitely transcends and continues the research of trauma. The standard explains, ” Engages in on going learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in order to provide all learners with engaging curriculum and learning experiences based on local and state standards.” This project does so, as it is engaging to young students and could be a tool to help them reflect and learn from their own trauma. It creates learning opportunities to deepen the knowledge of ones self through reflection.
